Cleansing Wands
Home Smudging
- Clean the home from top to bottom
- Close all the windows
- Set your intentions
- Smudge the home with fire proof container to catch the droppings
- Make sure to get all corners of the home
- Once home is smoked out to your desire, open all the windows to Release all unwanted energy
- ( optional ) shower after to rinse off any left over energy on you
Self Smudging
- Set your intentions
- Smudge yourself after a long heavy day with fire proof container to catch droppings
- Start from top to bottom
- Let the smoke circulate all around your body
- Take a shower to rinse the day off you
- Smudge yourself one more time from top to bottom again letting the smoke circulate around your cleanse body
Objects Smudging
- Set your intentions example ( I cleanse this crystal from all past owners & anyone whom have touched it )
- Go around the object letting the smoke touch it
- Have fire proof container to catch droppings